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Watch our video below to get an answer to, “can breast cancer be diagnosed by a mammogram?” and learn more about breast cancer diagnoses.


Learn More:

Diagnosing Breast Cancer – Can Breast Cancer Be Wrongly Diagnosed?

Delayed Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Failure To Diagnose Breast Cancer – Negligent Management Of Breast Cancer


Video Transcript

0:00 Intro
0:14 Diagnosing with a Mammogram

No, a mammogram cannot be used to diagnose this type of cancer.


0:14 Can Breast Cancer Be Diagnosed By A Mammogram? Mammogram Diagnosis

Mammograms are shadows. They are x-raying films that you look at on a screen. They do not contain any tissue. A mammogram can reflect findings which are consistent frequently found in this type of cancer, but mammograms by themselves are only suggestive and cannot diagnose this type of cancer directly.
